Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lets Talk Bullies!

Bullies are by far one of the most annoying bottom feeders I've ever had to deal with. Luckily I never had to experience them in high school. But seventh grade was rough for me and finally getting away from it came with depressing side effects. I went to this school call Barnyard. (Whoops excuse me) "Barnard" in Chicago. This school was small and full of demons...errr bad children from 1st grade and up to eighth. My mom and I had a very nice house (not to brag) but we did. It was one of those cozy homes that you would feel at home in. Like your grandmas house. Remember this part because it will come up soon.

People over there were pathetic and always angry with each other. They fought each other like a bunch of monkeys fighting over one banana. And This girl named Melody was one of them.  My first day there was fine. No one bothered me and no one really even saw me. I was very shy. I stayed far away from people especially these kinds of people. Mainly because you could not really interact with them. It was more interesting to just watch them. But watching got me in trouble. In this school if you were too quiet people would get suspicious. And they did.

People would do all kinds of terrible things to me that would leave me speechless. Class mates spat on me and my stuff, Since the school was too cheap to put locks on our lockers. Girls would share lockers. I would come out very day and my stuff would be on the floor and scattered across the hallway. I was also very thin so comments about my weight and the way that I looked would sometimes be thrown at me. I felt like a kitten stuck in quicksand. It was terrible but that's not all that would happen. I'd have groups of people beat me after school and other people would get into groups and make fun of me before and during school. This random kid would sometimes throw his food at me for laughs. I had even had someone come up to me and pull out a gun on me at the playground.He wasn't going to shoot me but the fact that he did it made my heart heavy and my chest feel like it was expanding farther than it should. I was even afraid of my own home. It wasn't safe there either. Those people knew where I lived and  that was the worst part. That cozy home that I felt so safe in was now a pain cellar.

We finally moved after that year and our move was to Orland Park Illinois. It was nice suburban area that i felt was a great way to make a fresh clean start. It was great.That is until I started doing class presentations when the extreme anxiety and depression started to make its way to me. I would shake and tremble in front of people and would have nightmares about what would happen to me when I was at "Barnard". And it didn't stop there either. I kept having these nightmares at night and would tremble at the even thought of  getting up in front of people. It was depressing and I still have major anxiety now. People who know what happened to me.

This message goes for everyone:

If you ever feel like your being bullied don't be afraid to tell some one like I was. and don't wait too long to get help because that will create problems for you socially. There have been many cases where people were too afraid to tell some one they could trust and they ended up killing themselves or the bullis killed them instead. Save yourself. Please...